1 min read
Fangor: Honouring the Iconic artist with my Mannequin at Casa del Arte Gallery
My mannequin "Tribute to Fangor" is being showcased at the Casa del Arte Gallery in La Palma, Mallorca. So excited to be exhibiting once...
1 min read
Freedom Project opening reception at the Book Art Museum
Hello, there! I have just returned from Łódź, where I participated in the Freedom Project: Exhibition and Opening Reception. The Freedom...
1 min read
Wystawa Malarstwa w OWZPAP
Fotorelacja z wystawy Sekcji Malarstwa, w której miałam przyjemność wziąć udział 😊 Wystawa trwa do 26 września, serdecznie zapraszam do...
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Freedom Project
I am pleased to announce that I’ve been invited to showcase my artwork in "The Freedom Project" which begins its global journey on the...
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Swiss Art Expo 2023: Live painting mannequins
Swiss Art Expo: 6-10.09.2023 Hello, there! I just arrived back from Switzerland, where I've participated in the Swiss Art Expo. I was...
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Art Party and Art Box exhibition in Basel
Art Party in Basel where my #Cleopatra is shown at the #ArtBoxProject in Basel, at the EuroAirport. Unfortunately I couldn’t make it...
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Seoul Illustration Fair: update
Hey, there! I wanted to share some of my promotional images for Seoul Illustration Fair vol.15 at COEX C-Hall in Seoul, 6-9th of July. My...
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Art Fair in May 2023
Dear All, I wanted to thank you for coming to the art fair to see my artworks! I'm so happy and grateful for all the supportive people...
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Targowisko Sztuki w Maju. Art Fair in May.
Przypominam, że 13-14 maja od 11-18:00 odbędzie się ostatnie przed wakacjami TARGOWISKO SZTUKI / KONESER VOL.13 w Koneserze w Warszawie....
2 min read
Lo'Ammi published my article! The Magic of Mannequins
"The Magic of Mannequins" by Kamila Wojciechowicz-Krauze I've been painting mannequins since 2020, during the covid lockdown. I was...