1 min read
Przegląd Malarstwa OWZPAP 2022
Projekt plakatu: Zbigniew Gonciarz Fotorelacja z wernisażu wystawy Przeglad Twórczości Malarzy OWZPAP na Mazowieckiej 11A DAP1 &DAP2....
1 min read
Wernisaż Malarstwa owzpap
Dziś odbywa się wernisaż wystawy Malarstwa w OWZPAP, w której również biorę udział. Serdecznie zapraszamy! Adres: 07/09 18:00, Mazowiecka...
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I'm going to NOFILTERDXB Expo!
I'm excited to announce that I was invited to participate in the #NOFILTERDXB expo at the Dubai Harbour and will be displaying...
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Warsaw Art Fair: I got in!
Wspaniałe wieści!! Dostałam się wraz z Galerią Art of Poland na Warszawskie Targi Sztuki!!! Podobno w tym roku było o 70% więcej zgłoszeń...
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Psychedelic Chameleon Painting
Hello there! Recently, I started preparing for a 6-metre-long mural commissioned in Warsaw. Before I start painting the mural, I decided...
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Businesswoman & Life Gala
Yesterday I had the pleasure of being invited to the charity ball organized by magazine Businesswoman & Life, where my painting was...
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Elephant Mural Painting
Hello Friends! This is a step-by-step photo report from last weekend's mural painting in Warsaw. It was a private commission (actually it...
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Speed Painting at the SDK
Hello, everyone! I wanted to thank all those, who came to yesterday's closing reception of "Chinese Spring". I wanted to thank Mrs....
2 min read
Mural Painting in Brooklyn
Last week, April 27-28, Kamila Wojciechowicz, painted a mural of a rhinoceros-her trademark. The work is titled "Amelia Rhinoheart",...