I'm going to NOFILTERDXB Expo!
I'm excited to announce that I was invited to participate in the #NOFILTERDXB expo at the Dubai Harbour and will be displaying contemporary abstract paintings and figurative horse paintings.
I would like to cordially invite you to my stand WA-18, at the expo.
The expo lasts from 24-27 of November, I'll be at my stand from 10 am-10:00 pm.
Please find attached a link to my website: www.kama-arts.com and a link to the expo: https://dubai.platinumlist.net/event.../82464/nofilter-dxb
Tickets are 7 USD for entry.

Here are a few photos depicting some of the artworks I'll be exhibiting and selling at the expo in Dubai Harbour.

And below is the map of Dubai Harbour, and how to get to the #NOFILTERDXB Expo.

My stand name is WA-18 and it's along the Urban Art DXB road, at the Urban II: Be the Exception enclave.
